Lynette provides excellent oversight and goes above and beyond what occupational therapy requires. She puts a lot of caring into her clients, and invests her time and energy into every visit. Her direction and guidance to both parents and other staff are provided in an informative and constructive way, and the kids really enjoy spending time with her.
— Joe Breman
Words can’t express what an amazing occupational therapist Lynette is! She has given me skills as well as adaptations to regain function and live a better, happier, healthier life after having a stroke.

I’m very fortunate to have such a dedicated therapist who makes exercises fun. Lynette is great at identifying issues and generating inventive ways and tools to address them. Her skills and knowledge are incredible. Our entire community benefits greatly from her work as she makes my life better and goes on to help others. I can’t thank Lynette and Movement Resolutions enough.

— Robert Bence Farmer Kula

Lynette has been working with my son for over 2 years. He has cerebral palsy and very limited control of his muscles and movement. Over time, he’s gained more strength and control in his arms and hands. He also loves all the fun activities Lynette comes up with and always lights up whenever she walks into the room. We highly recommend Movement Resolutions for all your occupational therapy needs!
— Kaili M.
Working with Lynette through my surgery recovery has been an incredibly healing and enjoyable experience. I had a double mastectomy and reconstruction after a breast cancer diagnosis, and after the first surgery I had a lot of pain and issues from the removal of my lymph nodes. My arm had swelling and pain and I had a lot of issues with weight bearing and not being able to use my arms and muscles as I used to. Lynette has worked with me after my surgeries on scar management and regaining the strength and mobility in my arms. Each session I feel notably better and I’m amazed at how fast I am healing. Lynette is patient and positive and extremely knowledgeable. She truly cares about her patients and celebrates progress and is very encouraging even through the challenging days. I am thrilled with how beautifully my scars are healing and that I’m able to get back to my active lifestyle. I wouldn’t be in this great of shape at this point without Lynette and her treatment plan and I highly recommend her.
— Allison C.
Ms. Lynette has been a great occupational therapist to my son Elijah. She was able to build a connection with my son through her patience, kindness, and passion to want to help children with autism and learning disabilities to succeed. I believe that trust is the number one thing that is needed between a student and a teacher in order for them to be able to teach them. Thank you and I’m very grateful for all you have done for him.
— Angela Cocket
We really enjoyed working with Lynette on the Qi Gong massage program and it was successful far beyond our expectations. Lynette was always professional, compassionate and easy to communicate with. Our son also bonded with Lynette as she worked skillfully to make the time fun and safe. She provided extensive support to complete this program and we were amazed at how it helped our son with his sensory issues. Over the course of the treatment, he became so much more emotionally regulated and able to handle sensory inputs that used to be aversive. It has been transformative, creating a ripple effect that has improved his life across all areas of functioning.
— Lisa C.
The occupational therapists at Movement Resolutions solutions are detailed, goal oriented, kind, and thorough. I had suffered a wrist injury and was given the attention and adjustments necessary to make a quick recovery. I felt respected as we were working together toward a speedy healing process with lasting results. I would recommend Lynette and her team to anyone wanting effective recovery from an injury.
— Renae Kibler
As parents of a six year old autism spectrum child,
Lynette at Movement Resolutions OT has truly helped in supporting our child’s needs. She introduced Qi Gong massage to our family and we incorporate this massage in our daily routine. Qi Gong massage has helped our child in many ways. Our child is able to focus in school and tend to tasks given by his teachers. We can not thank Lynette enough for her dedication and passion towards her profession.
— T.R.