Occupational Pediatric Services

Pediatric occupational therapy focuses on helping children develop the skills they need for functional daily living, independence, and quality of life as they grow. The goal of pediatric occupational therapy is to enhance development, minimize the potential for delays, and increase a child’s self-esteem and sense of accomplishment so they can thrive in their main ‘occupation’: playing & learning.

Areas of occupational therapy focus generally include:

  • Cognitive Skills – remembering letters, shapes, and sequences

  • Visual-Motor Integration – hand-eye coordination for success in physical & academic activities

  • Sensorimotor Skills – the process of receiving sensory messages, and producing a motor response

  • Fine Motor Skills – handwriting, finger dexterity, wrist & forearm control, and hand strength

  • Gross Motor Skills – balance & body coordination, strength, and endurance

  • Self-care Tasks – dressing, bathing, toileting, grooming, and self-feeding

  • Self-sufficiency Tasks – complex skills needed for independent living, such as grocery shopping, public transportation, chores, using technology

  • Self Regulation – attention, coping skills for executive functioning, behavioral or sensory processing disorders,

  • Developmental Play & Social Skills

Who benefits from OT? Children of all ages, and ranges of ability, can benefit from OT. Refer to the following list of hallmark signs, to see if your child is developing appropriately.

According to the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), children with the following conditions may benefit from Occupational Therapy:

  • Birth injuries or Birth defects

  • Sensory Processing disorders

  • Traumatic injuries (brain or spinal cord)

  • Learning problems

  • Autism/Pervasive Developmental disorders

  • Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Mental Health or Behavioral problems

  • Broken bones or other Orthopedic injuries

  • Developmental Delays

  • Post-surgical conditions

  • Burns

  • Spina-bifida

  • Cancer

  • Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy and other chronic illnesses


If you think your child may benefit from occupational therapy, seek an initial consultation.  Occupational Therapy need is indicated following a diagnostic assessment by a pediatrician. Frequency and duration of treatment is determined by the severity of the challenge/disorder, based upon diagnostic findings.  Please submit a message on our contact page to request an initial consultation.